Jeff Baldwin does a great service for teachers everywhere with his inspiring essay "Iron Sharpening Iron: Why the Socratic Method Matters So Much." Click that link and enjoy!
In a related item, my friend Renee Mathis has a little mantra that I tested nicely this week: "Ask specific students specific questions." I believe she got it from Andrew Kern. He'll have to 'fess up where he got it.
A collection of inspirations, examples, problems, and solutions from the work of Writing Assessment Services ( The acronym WrAsSe is the name of a little fish that cleans other fish and keeps them healthy, as Writing Assessment Services can do for student writers. The rest of the blog name is an affectionate bid for a connection to the Inklings, C.S. Lewis's group of writing friends. Please join me to "wrestle" with the challenges of writing and teaching.